Premium Italian wines and craft beer from around the world

Italians marching in to conquer once more!

Saturday 21st July is going to be a huge day for craft beer fans! The Local Taphouse in both Sydney and Melbourne are staging another one of their awesome tap takeovers and this time it’s our turn! 20 amazing Italian craft beers on tap many for the first time in Australia. The line up is hugely impressive you’d be crazy to miss it!

Birra del Borgo

Keto Reporter tobacco infused porter
Duchessa Saison
Hoppy cat Black IPA
Reale Anniversary 7 the special birthday beer featuring hops from every continent


Burocracy IPA
Caterpillar APA ( collab brew with Beer Here)
Jale extra special bitter
Fear milk chocolate stout

Birrificio Troll

Shangrila Barley wine

Croce di Malto

“Hauria” kolsch
“triticum” Hefeweizen
Triple xxx spiced ale
Temporis saison


Zest belgian ale

Birrificio San Paolo
ipe APA
Robinia golden/honey ale
Buxus Malbock

Italian Pale Ale IPS with a grapefruit twist!
